July 25, 2021

Are You Stuck?



It sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? Psalms 40:2 talks about a slimy pit from which the Lord pulled the Worship Leader out. Sometimes we find ourselves in a "slimy pit," looking into a hole all because of someone's actions hurl at us. When this happens, it feels like we are trying to grab the sides of a slide to slow our descent. When we hit the bottom of the pit, we frantically look everywhere, trying to figure out how to get out.

Maybe we slid down the slimy pit all by ourselves. No one to blame. No shame to shift onto someone else. As we process the "how" and the "who," we may realize that it was a multitude of situational slides over time that pushed us into the pit. Nonetheless, we still find ourselves stuck in a slimy pit looking up with no apparent way out. Sometimes, it takes a trained individual who cares and genuinely wants to help you out to come alongside you. Maybe the Lord's way of helping you out of the slimy pit is to plant your feet on Him as your solid Rock and take His hand to pull you up and out.

If you find yourself stuck in a slimy pit of despair causing you untold anxiety, reach out and grab the Lord's hand. There is hope, help, and a hand to pull you up and out if you are willing to take hold of it.

❤️ impactcoachinhministries.com


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Ready to experience the freedom Christ has for you?

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