January 29, 2023

Counseling ≠ Coaching

What is the difference between a Certified Life Coach and a Licensed Counselor? This is a great question and one that I asked about nine years ago. I was educated in a Masters of Christian Counseling. I clearly understand the Counselor track.  But when I was called to be a Certified Professional Life Coach I knew to ask some very specific clarifying questions. In the next few “Coaches Corner” I will walk you into the answer to this very good question. Follow me as we scan the landscape with an amazing view of what makes coaching such a successful and powerful way to walk forward from a stuck position to freedom and healing. It starts with your understanding and mindset that even PhD’s, LPC’s, and social workers have joined the growing ranks in this movement toward health, wholeness, and healing. Join us on this educational piece which may prove essential in helping you gain clarity between coaching and Counseling.


Cindy Brockway
Barb Roose
Shari Braendel
Melissa McLaughlin
Donna Roland
Rhonda Robinson
Dr Michelle Bengtson
Carolyn Cormier
Brenda Amour
Dr Michelle Bengston
Terri Broome
Angie Beaver
Barb Roose
Brandie Muncaster
Discerning the Voice of the Lord
Counseling ≠  Coaching

Ready to experience the freedom Christ has for you?

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