August 15, 2021

Doors of Opportunity



1 Corinthians 16:8-9 has been speaking loudly to me this week. In these verses, Paul tells the reader that "open doors of opportunity for effective (fruitful) ministry have opened to me, and there is opposition." This is so very true for the children of God even today. Great opposition often accompanies open doors of opportunity. We are witnessing this state in our culture and the world we live in today. It is intensifying and escalating at a rapid pace.

We can be sure that the Enemy will try to shut every open door of opportunity the Lord brings us to. The entire book of Acts is full of the wondrous acts of the Holy Spirit. Each time He moved in power, the Enemy came behind to attack and destroy. The Enemy's tactics have not changed. As we face open doors of opportunity, Satan will try to thwart the Lord's plan. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:10-18 how critical our spiritual armor is as we face the battle of walking through doors of opportunity.

September 15-18, Sherry Marshall, CPLC, and I will attend the World Conference of American Association of Christian Counsel in Orlando, Florida. Up to 7000 men and women from around the world will be in attendance. We will be discussing the many issues COVID 19 brought to our fragile world. Together as professional PhDs, LPC's, Certified Professional Life Coaches, Pastors, and Lay Ministers, we will embrace open doors of opportunity as we emerge from the horrors of COVID 19 and the opposition we face as Leaders moving forward.

The Lord is most definitely opening doors and preparing His people across the world to see a mighty harvest of souls saved and captives set free.
Are you ready for the "rain?" It is coming quickly. Seek the Lord now while He is getting His bride ready. We are ALL called to the work--not just the professionals. Join us at Impact Coaching Ministries as we seek to be prepared and used mightily by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


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Worry makes you forget who's in charge. When the focus is on yourself, you worry. You become anxious about many things. You may worry that:

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