April 12, 2023

Grief (Deep Sorrow) Continued


Susan Combs

Our sister Jeana shared her grief journey last month. I thank her for sharing her heart with us so openly and honestly. Please walk with me this month as I share my story.  It started July 17, 2022. It begins with a phone call. It is that call at 3:00 AM and you know before you answer, it is not a good call. My brother Larry fell. The prognosis is not good. Larry died in a tragic accident. December 19, 2022, the phone rings at 5:30 AM. My nephew is calling. John, my older brother, is not well. He was in Wilmington, NC to see his granddaughter graduate from college. He died in Wilmington. We decreased from 5 siblings to 3 in five months. Fast forward to March 19, 2023. My 98-year-old precious mother-in-law is unresponsive and they call on Sunday morning to recommend moving her to the hospital. At 3:15 PM, she goes to be with Jesus. She was such a gift to me. God gave me a 2nd chance to love my mama through my Precious Myrtle. She always said I was the daughter she never had. If I was in town, and not sick, I saw her almost every day.

My heart is broken. BUT GOD…. But God understands my pain and sorrow and trauma. But God heals the broken hearted and binds our wounds. But God will not abandon me through this time BUT GOD…God will not reject me because He is a good, loving God who is trustworthy, faithful, and dependable. How do I know this? John 3:16 spells it out. “For God so lo the world, He gave his only Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” God our Father gave His only Son so that we could be brought into a right standing with God. He poured all our sins, our guilt, our shame on his only Son…because He loves us!

What was Jesus’ response to this?

On the night before He was crucified, Jesus was in a room with his disciples. As they sat around the table, Jesus took the bread and broke it and GAVE THANKS. He knew what was going to happen in a few hours. He knew who would betray him. He knew the suffering would be beyond anything imaginable.  And He did what? HE GAVE THANKS



My friends, He identifies with our pain, our grief, our suffering. He will never forsake us. In our darkest nights,

Peter tells us in 1 Peter 5:6,7 “Humble yourselves under God’s mighty hand that He may exalt you in due time. Cast all your cares(anxiety) on Him for He cares for you.”  

How do we get his strength? Paul explains it in his prayer in Ephesians 3:17-20: “I pray that out of his glorious riches He will strengthen you with power through His spirit in your inner man so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.”

Jesus went the full length of the cross for you and me. He alone is our refuge. He alone is trustworthy in our darkest days and nights. He is our victory. He gave thanks.

Whatever grief or loss you are experiencing, Our Father is here for you. Reach out to Him through his word, through his people. Impact Coaching Ministries is here for you. We will listen to you, hold your hand, and walk with you through your pain.


I am with you and for you. You face nothing alone! When you feel anxious, know that you are focusing on the visible world and leaving me out of the picture. The remedy is simple: fix your eyes not on

Picture a hiker standing at the base of a vast mountain range. Every decision he makes, from the direction he chooses to each step he takes, holds significant weight. The wise hiker uses a compass to

Transfer of goods, services, or actions from one person or entity to another. At the very basic, most days we trade in purchasing something, exchanging money for groceries, coffee, a haircut, gas, etc

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