August 8, 2024




Trade definition: Exchange (something) for something else; also substitute or replace.

Give and receive something.
Transfer of goods, services, or actions from one person or entity to another. At the very basic, most days we trade in purchasing something, exchanging money for groceries, coffee, a haircut, gas, etc. In sports there is often a trade of athletic players, and also collectibles, like baseball cards. We also trade in other areas of our lives, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We trade time and sometimes pain for muscles and hopefully improved health. We trade our energy for the indulgent taste of sugar. We trade peace when we use control, or manipulation. We trade time with God for a quick youtube message.

You may be wondering, what does trading have to do with coaching, life and relationships. Relationships are what life is all about, whether with others, self and God, and the trading we do greatly affects every relationship! I realized recently that I have unknowingly made many trades throughout my life. Unknowingly usually involved emotions and the fear yet desire to be known, to be loved, yet the very things I traded could not yield love.

Personally, I wasn’t concerned so much about being liked, that is part of how God made me and a story for another time. But love, yes! Unknowingly, how much of myself have I traded for the feeling of love, or even lust or a false security of a job or bank account.

We all need connection, yet again, unknowingly we often do the very thing that pushes others away. Why?? Maybe somehow we “caught” that it is all dependent on us, if we just do A we will get B . . . wrong, so very wrong. But if we will BE us, then we can be known and can be loved, understood, seen! Be the original that God created, wonderfully made!

What am I even giving up, trading, right now to write this? May I suggest that you ask God about “Trading”? Ask Him if you are losing on the Trading Floor? Ask Him if there is anything He wants you to trade with Him??

Maybe your fear or anxiety, chemical imbalance, anger, depression for His Peace. Worry for Joy. Striving for Rest Desired outcome for Trusting Him. Your thoughts, your ways, for His.

Lies for Truth. Pride for freedom and connection. How to put this into practice: Get to really know you, accept and love you, trusting God does not make mistakes. Trust that He put all that good & uniqueness in you! I heard someone say that a sister or brother in Christ can say to another, “I see a speck in your eye and it may have come from my plank,” . . . wow!!! So you see, (no pun intended) I have become aware that I have traded throughout my life, I took the plank out of my eye, and now that I know, I am accountable only for me, responsible; and I share this with you, because I care, I love, and I always want freedom for others as well!!!

Could you risk to let God be God and you get to enjoy the “rest” of the journey ~

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths."


The beginning of a New Year and people often want to make “Resolutions” for change. Habits, health, diet, time management, priorities and more. Again, change is still happening, because if we do not

Ready to experience the freedom Christ has for you?

† All new contacts receive one free 30 minute session.
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