November 12, 2023

Truth Seeker


Sherry Marshall

How do we seek truth?

It takes time and effort to:

  • Slow down
  • Ask questions
  • Re-read
  • Re-listen
  • Review & revisit  
  • Remember details

‍Do not be so quick to:

  • Judge
  • Criticize
  • Scold or punish
  • Accept or agree with  
  • Think the worst
  • Tell others

Even when someone’s actions or words ( still action ) hurt, or even seem good; what is  the motive behind it? Good or evil - What is the intent of the heart? For instance, did someone ask you a question to cause doubt or fear, or to truly help,  or did they really just want to understand for themselves?? Did someone not “invite” you to hurt you, was it truly accidental by error and  miscommunication, or both? Did someone betray you because you were not enough or too much, or was it their  own issues and wounds seeking validation or healing? Ask yourself, where is my heart in the matter? Ask Holy Spirit and listen, . . . wait. Keep a pure heart, have pure motives and you will be able to have understanding and  discern better, the obscure; that which is  not clearly  seen or easily distinguished: not  readily understood or clearly expressed. This, in turn, will give you true peace and connection, and instead of being divisive; love can follow - regardless . . .‍That love will come in various ways

  • Encouragement
  • Affirmation
  • Setting a boundary
  • Conversation
  • Acceptance or Understanding
  • A Hug
  • Tears
  • Maybe even Laughter
  • And many other ways

As you seek truth, you become truth. You can be set free to be you, and you will want and ALLOW this for others.  AND this is the ultimate! Glorifying God is to “Be” who He first created and formed you to be - YOU! Truth Seekers need discernment


Transfer of goods, services, or actions from one person or entity to another. At the very basic, most days we trade in purchasing something, exchanging money for groceries, coffee, a haircut, gas, etc

Are you feeling overwhelmed with what is happening in the world? So many unsettling things, war, financial chaos, human slavery, abandoned kids, injustice, disease… it’s enough to sink your heart into

Worry makes you forget who's in charge. When the focus is on yourself, you worry. You become anxious about many things. You may worry that:

Ready to experience the freedom Christ has for you?

† All new contacts receive one free 30 minute session.
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